Sellers Cabinet Hardware

This index is for ease in finding hardware made specifically for Sellers Cabinets. Many parts were commonly used by 2 or more companies. More is available, if you don't find it here then search parts common to many brands in our extensive Hoosier Index

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Can I Make The Brass More Antique Looking? Yes!!!

Ant Traps Sellers
Bread Box for Sellers
Glass Knobs for Sellers
Hinges for Sellers
Latches for Sellers
Labels for Sellers
Menu Cards for Sellers 
Meal Bin for Sellers
Meat Grinder Bracket for Sellers
Racks and Jar Racks for Sellers
Side Brackets for Sellers
Spice Jars, Coffee/Tea Jars for Sellers
 Tambour Door Lifts for Sellers
 See our entire catalog of over 2000 hardware items for Antiques
 See Book about Hoosier Cabinets and other brands including Sellers